Hamsa Sri Yoga
In the current world, Yoga is wrongly interpreted and practiced as physical exercises (aasanas). As per the great saint Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, “yogah chitta vritti nirodhaha” refers to stilling the mind and to stay put in order to experience the ultimate reality and move towards Self-realization. Here, it is crucial to note that Maharshi Patanjali has not suggested any Asanas to attain eternity.
If Yoga is not confined to Aasanas, then what is it?
The word “yoga” is coined from a sanskritword “yuj”, which means “to join”. What does it join? The world in Sanskrit is known as “prapancha”, where in “pra” means expansion and “pancha” means 5.To explain it in the simplest way, One consciousness splits into 5, and those 5 entities further divide into 5 more, and then 5 more until the whole of the universe and all its living beings are formed.
The joining of entites/ defragmenting them back into one single mother consciousness is the core idea of HamsaSri Yoga.
Under the umbrella of Hamsa Sri Yoga, we offer Swaagama (an in-house yoga course) and multiple yogic workshops around the globe.
|| Aagatam pancha vaktreNa, gatancha girijaanane, matancha vaasudevasya tasmaat Aagama muchyate.||

Adi Yoga Kriya
Realise Body and Life force

Adi Shakti Yoga Kriya
Realise Life force, Mind and Wisdom

Adinatha Yoga Kriya
Realise Wisdom, Ecstasy and beyond. Achieve the ultimate state of “MULTIVERSE”