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Hamsa Sri
Hamsa Sri was born in a Vedic family at a remote town in India and was initiated into learning Sanskrit, Yoga, Upanishad, Astrology and Vedas from a very young age. He mastered his art over the years and was eventually blessed with “Aikya Deeksha” by the Jagadguru himself, who gave him the responsibility of propagating and imparting the science of yoga across the globe for the benefit of the entire mankind.
In accordance with his mentor’s aspirations, Guruji has been constantly endeavouring to ensure that Yoga is getting the due awareness and recognition that it so richly deserves. Guruji has presided over 200+ yoga classes and has spent over 25 years imparting the divine knowledge through Guru Kula Paddhati.
He founded The Hamsa Sri Yoga with an intention to spread the word of Yoga and Indian divine sciences to the world with a goal that every living being will one day benefit from it
Get In touch
Mr. Sai Krishna
President of MIECCA and Organiser of the USA tour 2023, 13059 Azra Trail Frisco, TX 75035
+91 827 754 7636
Mrs. Savitha Sharma
Manager and schedule incharge